First Impressions: First St. Ives Products

As stated by the title of this post, these are my first buys from the brand St. Ives. Now as anyone who follows the beauty community knows, this brand has quite a name for good quality products that are at an affordable price. For this reason, I was always very curious about the products, especially the Scrub as everyone seems to rave about it so much!

However, although I knew they were available here in Malta, until some weeks ago I had never seen them anywhere I go to buy! Finally I found some products from the brand and decided to try these two out :)

St. Ives Radiance Cleanser Apricot Cream Wash Deep Cleaning
St. Ives Apricot Scrub Invigorating
I got the Deep Clean Cream Wash and the Infamous Invigorating Apricot Scrub. I am still trying them out as I have a lot of skin care products but so far I like them and they seem to perform as well as other more expensive products. Reviews will be coming shortly. They both contain 150ml of product and were about €5 priced.

Have you tried these products? What do you think?

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